8 Reasons Why You Should Travel More

Another travel post means I’m missing summer and longingly hoping for another six week holiday somewhere beautiful and hot and tropical… Just about. Travelling is something I want to do more often, and therefore this corner of my blog may be growing quite rapidly in the next few months. I’ve become totally obsessed by a few other travel bloggers recently who have made it seem as if travel blogging is the best thing in the world, and their enthusiasm and gorgeous blogs (not to mention stunning Instagram pages with thousands of aesthetic photos) have inspired me to write this today.

Further, if you’re looking for some inspiration and throwback summer photos, check out the gram @confidenceandkisses.

#1: It makes people happy

Simply taking time out of your daily routine, switching off for a few days and going away can be great for you. A change of scenery often allows people to relax more as they don’t have to worry about work and issues associated with home, and the different routine is also great. Further, exploring another country and just sightseeing is meant to be good for you – Italy, here I come!

#2: It’s great for your mental health

Getting out and doing a few different things can do wonders for your mental health. I personally feel really relaxed on long getaways, and warm weather especially is the perfect way to get out and reduce stress and anxiety, even if it’s just for a week.

#3: You meet new people

Travelling can allow you to connect and bond with people who you would have never met otherwise. These people may speak a foreign language and live very differently to you, but many people keep in touch via email or text with people they’ve met and this can develop into a lifelong friend. Further, if they don’t speak the same language as you, you can then explore another language.

#4: You gain knowledge of the world

Interest in other people’s cultures and traditions is so important! I think it’s amazing that across the world, there are billions of people doing billions of things differently. From food to buildings and architecture to language and fashion, culture is so cool and travelling opens your eyes to culture in other parts of the world and how others live. I always love people watching when I’m abroad as I just feel that the people do even tiny things like going to the supermarket differently, and it’s fun to pick up on and notice.

#5: You improve your language skills

Travelling can improve your language skills no end and help you learn more about your own language at the same time. Going to Spain always makes me more confident with the language as well as giving you listening and speaking practice in everyday activities, such as eating out or asking for directions. Being able to speak a foreign language is now very beneficial to your CV, as good exam results in a multitude of languages can make employers much more likely to favour you.

#6: You can relax

Taking time to live life in the slow lane and unwind is so beneficial for your physical and mental health. Relaxing is fun and it allows the body to repair itself and just take a bit of time off.

#7: You create memories

There’s no doubt that some of my best memories are of holidays abroad, Disneyland Paris trips and just being with my family or friends. You can create fantastic memories whilst travelling as you’re with the people you love (or, if you opt to travel alone, you can remember the peace and gorgeous views) and you’re trying new things and doing new things. And everyone’s in a good mood!

#8: Spend quality time with family

Taking a week off and going away always screams family time so it can be the perfect way to reconnect and have some quality time with whoever you’re travelling with. Also, who isn’t having quality time whilst travelling? Hello, spending a few days in Spain on the beach sounds pretty good to me – and I can’t really think of many places that I have been that haven’t been good. Being on holiday and exploring different places is one of the best ways to spend your downtime, in my opinion, and if you do save up for six months to experience such things, quality time should be guaranteed.

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